#+ About the proven scientific advantages…
Author of the Immanent Therapy project #Volodymyr Naumenko.
Advantages of the patented Immanent Therapy[1] programme over other types of therapy:
The principle of full restoration of the biosystem is based on its ability to control and, if necessary, independently recuperate lost or partially damaged organs at the cellular level.
In practice, we use both scientific developments of Nobel Prize winners and our own patented technologies.
1. Positive effect of a certain spectrum of light waves on the cells of the body. The Nobel Prize[2] in Medicine or Physiology was awarded in 1903.
2. Activation of the phagocytic process. Nobel Prize[3] in Physiology or Medicine 1908.
3. Oxygen deficiency in cellular respiration Nobel Prize[4] 1931.
4. Discovery of molecular mechanisms controlling circadian rhythms. Nobel Prize[5] 2017.
5. Linguistic wave effect[6] on DNA, a joint project with the Institute of Linguistic Wave Genetics of Petr Garyaev.
6. Own patented development. The biological immunomodulator OMARIDINTM[7] which contains a complex of essential amino acids from a single source [8] of origin and the enzyme Saccharomyces spp [9].
[1] https://patmedtech.com/therapia-imanente/
[2] https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1903/finsen/biographical/
[3] https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1908/mechnikov/biographical/
[4] https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1931/warburg/biographical/
[5] https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2017/press-release/
[6] https://patmedtech.com/igole/
[7] https://patmedtech.com/omaridin/
[9] https://patmedtech.com/pdf/omaridin/Omaridin%20-%20Instruction.pdf